Mesh classification using ar mesh manager

I tried to implement mesh classification in visionOS using ar mesh manager posted on GitHub.
I modified the script as below.
And the prefab or hierarchy structure is as shown in the picture. It builds and ar mesh manager works well in visionOS, but classification does not work. I’m frustrated because I don’t know the reason, so I’m leaving a question here!

If anyone could help, I would really appreciate it…!

스크린샷 2024-08-06 오후 5.30.39

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.VisionOS;
using ARMeshClassification = UnityEngine.XR.VisionOS.ARMeshClassification;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
    public class MeshClassification : MonoBehaviour
        const int k_NumClassifications = 8;
        public ARMeshManager m_MeshManager;
        public MeshFilter m_NoneMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_WallMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_FloorMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_CeilingMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_TableMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_SeatMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_WindowMeshPrefab;
        public MeshFilter m_DoorMeshPrefab;
        readonly Dictionary<TrackableId, MeshFilter[]> m_MeshFrackingMap = new Dictionary<TrackableId, MeshFilter[]>();
        Action<MeshFilter> m_BreakupMeshAction;
        Action<MeshFilter> m_UpdateMeshAction;
        Action<MeshFilter> m_RemoveMeshAction;
        readonly List<int> m_BaseTriangles = new List<int>();
        readonly List<int> m_ClassifiedTriangles = new List<int>();
        void Awake()
            m_BreakupMeshAction = new Action<MeshFilter>(BreakupMesh);
            m_UpdateMeshAction = new Action<MeshFilter>(UpdateMesh);
            m_RemoveMeshAction = new Action<MeshFilter>(RemoveMesh);
        void OnEnable()
            m_MeshManager.meshesChanged += OnMeshesChanged;
        void OnDisable()
            m_MeshManager.meshesChanged -= OnMeshesChanged;
        void OnMeshesChanged(ARMeshesChangedEventArgs args)
            if (args.added != null)
            if (args.updated != null)
            if (args.removed != null)
        TrackableId ExtractTrackableId(string meshFilterName)
            string[] nameSplit = meshFilterName.Split(' ');
            return new TrackableId(nameSplit[1]);
        void ExtractClassifiedMesh(Mesh baseMesh, NativeArray<ARMeshClassification> faceClassifications, ARMeshClassification selectedMeshClassification, Mesh classifiedMesh)
            int classifiedFaceCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < faceClassifications.Length; ++i)
                if (faceClassifications[i] == selectedMeshClassification)
            if (classifiedFaceCount > 0)
                baseMesh.GetTriangles(m_BaseTriangles, 0);
                Debug.Assert(m_BaseTriangles.Count == (faceClassifications.Length * 3),
                            "unexpected mismatch between triangle count and face classification count");
                m_ClassifiedTriangles.Capacity = classifiedFaceCount * 3;
                for (int i = 0; i < faceClassifications.Length; ++i)
                    if (faceClassifications[i] == selectedMeshClassification)
                        int baseTriangleIndex = i * 3;
                        m_ClassifiedTriangles.Add(m_BaseTriangles[baseTriangleIndex + 0]);
                        m_ClassifiedTriangles.Add(m_BaseTriangles[baseTriangleIndex + 1]);
                        m_ClassifiedTriangles.Add(m_BaseTriangles[baseTriangleIndex + 2]);
                classifiedMesh.vertices = baseMesh.vertices;
                classifiedMesh.normals = baseMesh.normals;
                classifiedMesh.SetTriangles(m_ClassifiedTriangles, 0);
        void BreakupMesh(MeshFilter meshFilter)
            XRMeshSubsystem meshSubsystem = m_MeshManager.subsystem as XRMeshSubsystem;
            if (meshSubsystem == null)
            var meshId = ExtractTrackableId(;
            var faceClassifications = meshSubsystem.GetFaceClassifications(meshId, Allocator.Persistent);
            if (!faceClassifications.IsCreated)
            using (faceClassifications)
                if (faceClassifications.Length <= 0)
                var parent = meshFilter.transform.parent;
                MeshFilter[] meshFilters = new MeshFilter[k_NumClassifications];
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.None] = (m_NoneMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_NoneMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Wall] = (m_WallMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_WallMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Floor] = (m_FloorMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_FloorMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Ceiling] = (m_CeilingMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_CeilingMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Table] = (m_TableMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_TableMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Seat] = (m_SeatMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_SeatMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Window] = (m_WindowMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_WindowMeshPrefab, parent);
                meshFilters[(int)ARMeshClassification.Door] = (m_DoorMeshPrefab == null) ? null : Instantiate(m_DoorMeshPrefab, parent);
                m_MeshFrackingMap[meshId] = meshFilters;
                var baseMesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                for (int i = 0; i < k_NumClassifications; ++i)
                    var classifiedMeshFilter = meshFilters[i];
                    if (classifiedMeshFilter != null)
                        var classifiedMesh = classifiedMeshFilter.mesh;
                        ExtractClassifiedMesh(baseMesh, faceClassifications, (ARMeshClassification)i, classifiedMesh);
                        meshFilters[i].mesh = classifiedMesh;
        void UpdateMesh(MeshFilter meshFilter)
            XRMeshSubsystem meshSubsystem = m_MeshManager.subsystem as XRMeshSubsystem;
            if (meshSubsystem == null)
            var meshId = ExtractTrackableId(;
            var faceClassifications = meshSubsystem.GetFaceClassifications(meshId, Allocator.Persistent);
            if (!faceClassifications.IsCreated)
            using (faceClassifications)
                if (faceClassifications.Length <= 0)
                var meshFilters = m_MeshFrackingMap[meshId];
                var baseMesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                for (int i = 0; i < k_NumClassifications; ++i)
                    var classifiedMeshFilter = meshFilters[i];
                    if (classifiedMeshFilter != null)
                        var classifiedMesh = classifiedMeshFilter.mesh;
                        ExtractClassifiedMesh(baseMesh, faceClassifications, (ARMeshClassification)i, classifiedMesh);
                        meshFilters[i].mesh = classifiedMesh;
        void RemoveMesh(MeshFilter meshFilter)
            var meshId = ExtractTrackableId(;
            var meshFilters = m_MeshFrackingMap[meshId];
            for (int i = 0; i < k_NumClassifications; ++i)
                var classifiedMeshFilter = meshFilters[i];
                if (classifiedMeshFilter != null)

Hello JuYeone,

Right now AR Foundation only supports Mesh Classification through the iOS ARKit plugin provider. There is a sample documented there which demonstrates this ARKit capability.

If you are attempting to add this capability to the VisionOS AR Foundation plugin provider, then my recommendation would be to direct your question to the dedicated VisionOS discussion. But perhaps the sample I mentioned can also help provide some guidance regarding how mesh classifications are implemented and work.

1 Like

Hi @JuYeone ,
I also faced the same issue and managed to fix it. I see that you have customized the prefab so there are some missing:

  • You need to assign all the prefabs in the mesh prefab list
  • Make sure you call SetClassificationEnabled(true) from your ARMeshSubsystem component. (This call is changed from my previous version. Currently, it’s in the Assets/Meshing/Scripts/MeshClassificationManager.cs file.
  • If it still does not work, you should download and run the sample scene.
  • If it worked, you’d see the classification meshes with different colors (based on different mesh prefabs), but is offset from the origin. Now you need to change the code at line 114 in the MeshClassificationFracking class above to var parent = meshFilter.transform; and it should work. (it worked perfectly for me),

Hope this would help!


Are you an angel?
Thanks to you I solved it perfectly
You are a god of the metaverse.
Thank you so much