Excuse me, how to mesh collider follow the movement of animation ?
Woa, give back NASA’s computer!
This is a huuuuge performance killer and can be easliy replaced with more primitive colliders.
And as far as I know, Mesh colliders can’t be animated, you have to go with primitives. I did a lil research and found this:
If you are moving the object around (a car for example), you can not use Mesh
colliders. Instead, you will have to use Primitive colliders. In this case you should
disable the Generate Colliders setting.
But that wont stop us, let’s be creative:
If you made your animation with bones in what-ever 3D modeling program you use, those bones can also be moved in unity (that’s actually what the animation does, and they’re just childs of the model), you can for example make a bone rotate (or follow) to your mouse position, so the characters head will follow your mouse.
Now if you attach a primitive collider to the bone, make it the same size as the part it should animate, you got yourself a nice, and non-performance killer collider which follow the animation!
Let me know if this helped, I’ve never tried it before