This is just for a simple stair, where I want a custom collider that is a ramp. When I apply the mesh collider to the stair mesh it works when I run the game.
The problem is that when I select the stair mesh, I can see a wireframe only shaded duplicate of my collision object at 0 0 0 of the world and in game I actually get stuck on this invisible, weird, duplicated collision mesh.
All history has been deleted and transforms frozen so that is not the issue. I have grouped my scene for organizational purposes, but all objects were frozen and history deleted before I organized everything…
Yea, I work from the outliner mostly and am pretty anal about scene organization and such .
This happens any time, I apply a custom collision mesh to any of my meshes. I see a duplicate (wireframe only) when I have the object selected that the collision belongs to. My collision mesh is modeled at the same place as my high res mesh with the same pivot, transformations frozen and all that.
Just so I don’t have the work flow wrong, here is how I apply the custom collision in Unity:
On my high res mesh, I check the collision mesh check box.
I drag and drop the collision mesh into the collision mesh name slot.
I set the render mesh to false on my collision mesh.