Mesh deformation for 2d

When or if at all will mesh deformations be available in the standard unity 2d animation package?
Any portrait addon (which using unity resources to work, no separate standalone) already has this feature. Spine 2d has this feature. Live 2d…
This feature is the one that gives the illusion of the 3d while using 2d assets… And it’s missing from Unity’s package :slight_smile:

AnyPortrait | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store

Any plans?

Also - is there any plans to share this demo?
It looks AWESOME, but why it’s not included in samples?
Did Unity actually released or demo’ed this 2d witch? : Unity2D (

Hi @linosia97 ,

Do you mean free-form deformation (FFD)? We currently don’t have that feature, but it doesn’t mean it will not be added in the future. Our current mean of mesh deformation is through the skeleton manipulation.

You can achieve the 3D effect with bones as well (with lower precision). There is a animation rigging package designed for 3D animations, but can be used to 2d animation as well, that can help you to create complex rigs and immitate 3D.

Here is an example comparison of animating the same character with Unity vs Spine. However, instead of using the built-in constraint components, I would advise to use the animation rigging that I mentioned.

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It’s not inclunded in the samples, That character is quite complex, with dozens of bones to control it. In our package samples we decided to keep things simple to make it easier for users to understand the basic concepts behind the skinning and animation workflows.

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Thanks for reply :slight_smile:
Well, it’s a shame you don’t have this feature on roadmap, but thanks for animation rigging package suggestion)
As for Unity vs Spine 2d comparison video, yeah, I’ve seen it, and the most difference was exactly this free-form mesh deformation

Can you post it to github though?
Would be awesome to check out for many users anyway :slight_smile:

Let me see what we can do! :slight_smile:


Any news on it?
Would be really interesting to test this sample :slight_smile:

May I ask you if you can find this demo? Please?
MelvMay said I should ask you once more about this interesting demo :wink:
I want to understand how the eye blinking works here, the crystal hovering behind the witch and emerging again – this is the stuff I am interested in.
Any chance you can send it directly somehow? Via filesharing?
Or you don’t have access to this demo at all?
Please :slight_smile:

P.S. the robot and especially dog animation would be a great addition too! :slight_smile:

Also – it’s not THAT many bones – it’s actually normal amount for decent 2d animation
From Photoshop to Unity with PSD Importer (

Hi, @linosia97 let me share with you a link to the github repo once I upload these characters.

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You can find them here along with other characters:
2D-Animation-Resources/Samples/2D Animation Samples at main · MarekMarchlewicz/2D-Animation-Resources · GitHub

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Thank you so much for your work!
My main PC is in repair, but will look closely after it’s fixed!
Really, thanks :wink:

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