Mesh Distance Fields for static object


I’m wondering is it possible to integrate feature like Mesh Distance Fields in Unreal engine as a built-in option?

Having a pre-baked SDF for the scene can make TA create lots of effect with ease with VFXGraph and shaders. Such as water shorline, particle avoidance…etc

Probably a little off topic :

Unity have many nice tools published by demo team such as Hair system and Mesh-To-SDF, I hope these tool just don’t ends up to a fire-and-forgot, one-time package. An official intergradtion with more user-friendly setup would be very awesome!


Hi we also have an mesh to sdf tool in our new asset Erebus, which will be soon available on the asset store!

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Hi, We do not have anything to currently talk about but are excited about the direction technology is going in this space,
and hair system and mesh to sdf will not be forget

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