nightmare when dealing with multiple meshes such as a car interior. earlier versions of Unity, the mesh comes in without these things, but Timeline doesn’t work and the child camera goes all over the place. so where’s the trade-off? There is none. Great app, but buggy and it shld slow down on the continual, non-stop dev side. back to the render farm I go.
A imported Mesh does not generate any light probes.
If you like to use all the same light probes / light probe position for multible object you can create a empty object and link it in the mehrender to be the light probe anchor.
thanks mate, twas a long day with no end in site - i dont know what i did to infuse the mesh with illuminated light probes - operator error - but at 3am this morn i got it sorted and made the pre-pro deadline. its amazing software, love it, ive just gotta be smart when and where i update the software, as most of my projects are ongoing, with sleepy periods. thanks again!
And by God i hope Unity don’t succumb to Adobe or Autodesk, by the Grace of God will they not bow to the two most fiendish, evil, backward multinationals known to Man, and critters.