Mesh not visible, cant figure out why.


Ok I have been working on a character lately to test out facial animation using bones(since unity does not support blend shapes).

at times i the head disappears, I am sure the normals are fine , the clipping plane doesnt seem to effect it…I had to separate the head mesh for facial expressions using a differnt set of bones and then parenting that to the root after rigging.

here is the web player,

The bounding volume of a Skinned Mesh is calculated on the first frame of the animation and is not recalculated unless the Transform’s Parent is moved. What is happening here is that the bounding volume of the head mesh is going outside of the camera’s frustum and is therefore not being drawn anymore (it seems to be placed just above the actual mesh). To avoid this make sure the head is in the appropriate location on the first frame of it’s animation.


well the head was detached from the complete body so that the seams blend with exact number of vertices , moving the head slighly would show that seam…and the strange thing is that its fine from other angles …

but I will test out your suggestion.

It’s happening because your character is moving backwards and forwards. When he steps back the bounding volume of the head isn’t updated and it leaves the view frustum (it stays at the position that was calculated at frame 1). The body would disappear too if you had him walk far enough backward.

So the problem is that you have 2 bounding volumes (one which is much smaller than the other) and that you’re translating the character by animation instead of moving its parent.


Ok thanks Ethan… I now understood the problem …and fixed it …
the whole rig was animated using parent controls, which means that the bones had no animated keys on them, so after baking the animation onto the bones in Maya and reimporting it…it works… now that the bones are animated i guess it calculated the position of head based on the bones position…or maybe i am just lucky :slight_smile: