Mesh return vs out Mesh

is it better to use:

Mesh mesh = Mesh GenerateMesh(){ ... }


void GenerateMesh(out mesh)

ie get an output or pass in the mesh

I would guess it’s more efficient and safe to use out or ref. If the variable mesh is already referring to a mesh object, the first example will them make a new mesh, and then assign it to the mesh variable, and thus there’s a potential risk of object leaking. If you’re using out, you can directly modify the existing one.

It’s almost always simpler to use return unless you have a specific use-case scenario. out is when you need 2+ returned variables and out for a single variable just complicates code. And ref is essentially for not copying value types and passing references/pointers (and Mesh isn’t a value type, so it just “double-references” with no benefit). There is no performance benefit to using out (see comment). In fact, MSDN recommends not using out/ref.