[Mesh/Shader] Mesh not showing shader's texture

As I’m not sure what it is that I am looking for as an answer, I figured I’d ask here after looking at various “Blender mesh import to Unity” videos and not getting any solution to my problem.

The Problem:
Any mesh I import from Blender after various modifications to Unity doesn’t properly display Unity material shader’s texture. The mesh parts which i don’t manipulate by Blender’s modifiers display the texture fine, however, manipulated parts do not show the texture at all. It doesn’t work with Shader Graph shaders and it doesn’t work with any of the unity’s built in shader either. Any help would be appreciated.

Meshes manipulated/created in Blender:
Mesh Nr.1 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Mesh Nr.2 - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

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Just found the solution, the whole mesh needs to be UV unwrapped. Case closed.

For anyone looking for a tutorial:
4:30 -

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