Mesh Swapping for Animation

Okay, here is what I want to do but dont know how or if it will work:

I have a mesh that isnt skinned. I kept it at 2 pieces, Body and Wheel since its a racing game (tried using bones with the racing mechanic but it got too clustered and confusing to set up player controls without things falling apart with so many pieces to handle). The thing is, I want it to animate at certain points, so I added bones to a separate file of the same mesh and animated it.

What I would like to know is if I can call the animated mesh and hide the main mesh that ends up being replaced, then call back the main mesh after a few seconds and hide the animated one. Is this capable of working and how would I go about it?


The easiest way to do this would be to create two GameObjects, one with the skinned mesh, and one with the non-skinned one, and when swapping, call: = true; = false;

or vice-versa…

Awesome. Will try.
