Hello guys!
I’m having a strange problem with builds for iOS generated by Cloud Build. The mesh of the land is not being rendered in these builds… But when I generate a locally build, everything is normal!
Hm, ok looks like something isn’t compiling “Assets/Scripts/CardsSystem/GUI/EnemyCardGUI.cs” isn’t being found. How are you hosting your project? Bitbucket?
Try creating a script that checks if the terrain has a mesh render/mesh filter attached.
using UnityEngine;
public class CheckIfTerrainHasMesh : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
if (!GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh)
Debug.LogWarning("Unable to find mesh");
I just took a look at your build logs and your terrain is currently saved as a Blender format which is not supported in Unity Cloud Build. To get it working, you will need to open the terrain in Blender and export it as an FBX and add the exported FBX to your project and scene.
More technical details as to why: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/HOWTO-ImportObjectBlender.html - “Unity natively imports Blender files. This works under the hood by using the Blender FBX exporter.”
Unity itself does not have support for any native 3D Modeling file formats (.blend, .max, .3ds, etc). What Unity does support is using the 3D Modeling application’s command line tools to open the model and export it as an FBX which then is read and cached in your Library. This feature requires the correct modeling application and version to be installed on the machine that is running Unity. Unity Cloud Build does not have any modeling applications installed which is why those file formats are not supported.
Edit: It should be noted that the Enterprise level of UCB you have dedicated builder(s) which you would then be able to install any additional applications such as any necessary modeling applications.
Ty friend… I found out that this was the problem, some time later… The strange thing now is that when I build via Cloud Build, the land is rotated 90 degrees in the X axis lol
On your local machine, right click the asset and click reimport. Chances are your local asset cache just needs to have the asset reimported to see the corrected model (with the 90 degree X rotation). Then you can fix it in your scene and see what could build sees.