Meshtint: Ready for Your Requests + Feedback! Creating 3D Characters + Environments

I’m excited to share a new concept for our Toon series: a modular character design! This time, we’ve separated the upper and lower body, allowing for customizable accessories, heads, faces, weapons, and body parts. This modular approach opens up possibilities for a wide range of characters—think humanoid dragons, tigers, futuristic beings, orcs, ogres, and more. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this idea!

re: aliens

im interested, i just wanted to see more. can you post more photos of the characters. the pink one with square head i liked. the other ones without square heads i would have to see more.

re: module toon character

now this i really like! can’t wait to see what you do with this regards…

please have character in 4 parts like modular head, torso and legs

lots of different armor (look at like dugeon defenders)

they have like different helmet/gloves/torso/boots clothing/armor all separate

here take a look

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I’m glad to hear that the new concept for the toon series has piqued your interest!

Would it be helpful to further separate the arms and legs from the main body, or would that be too much? Currently, our plan is to separate the upper body (torso and arms) from the lower body (pelvis and legs). Additionally, the eyes, head, facial accessories, helmets, weapons, and cape/wings will be attachable.

Added a new helmet: Dragon helmet!!! Work in progress

all sounds great. can’t wait!

re: separate arms/legs

i don’t know let me think about it. let’s see if someone else chimes in.

i think being able to put helmet on character. armor on torso. boots on feed and gloves on hands would be great for rpc/td type games. also, being able to change facial expression to show emotion would be over the top.

tons of accessories is what we need, hits the spot.

don’t forget enemies too. like orc/goblins/elves/etc they also need modular workup. make a series out of it. modular series. each having their own stuff.

re: video

very nice! keep em coming…

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Added dragon armor set. Helmet, weapon, wings are all detachable. Upper body and lower body are separated too.

What colors do you want to include in the costume sets? :grinning:

looking great

would be nice to have black, brown, yellow (perhaps white and red hair) too
so being able to change hair color independent of other things

also would be nice to have black, brown, white skin color independent of other things

and would be nice to be able to add and remove head and facial hair independent of other things that can be added

so you can mix and match hair colors and skin colors and whether there is any head and facial hair and color independently

also would be nice to have different color eye like (black, brown, blue, etc)

and would be nice to have different facial expressions that you can switch like happy, sad, angry, hurt/injured, exhausted/tired, confused, bored, fear, surprise, disgust, contempt etc

for armor would be nice to have lots of colors like
basic colors like white, black, yellow, green, blue, red, orange, brown, grey, silver would be nice

you may also want to look at more real armor which was made from Wood (brown or dark-brown), Copper (brownish-orange), Iron (silvery-gray), Silver (gray), Gold (dark-yellow), Tin (silvery-white), Zinc (bluish-white), Antinomy (silvery-bluish-white), Arsenic (bright-silver-grey), Lead (bluish-grey), Mercury (dark-gray), steel (silver-steel)

that way you can have leather/mail/chain/plate/steel/golden armors, etc…

also, in addition to dragon armor would be nice to have other armors for different species/races like serpent, elf, goblin, gnome, halfling, dwarf, orc, human, ogre, witch, cyclop, giant, lich, gnoll, merman, demigod, demon, lizard, golem, minotaur, ent, zombie, troll, ghost, cthuul, kobold, abomination, vampike, dryad, mutant, underling, throw, harpy, grumpkin, skeerok, mushroom, etc

finally would be nice to have both male and female characters

have fun, can’t wait to see what you come up with…