“If anyone can think of improvements to the FAQ, please suggest them.”
I’m not saying I disagree on what makes a good question, but if you read the FAQ, it’s doesn’t say any of that. It seems to have been written when the worry was not enough traffic. The three “rules” are very wide open (and they say duplicates are allowed!): 1) detailed and specific, 2) written clearly and simply, 3) of interest to at least one other Unity user somewhere.
“Can someone write this script for me (with long list of requirements)?” meets all three. “Why is this code throwing error 706” meets 1 and 2, and sort of meets 3 (if I got the error, someone else probably will.)
In the Guidelines, they merely suggest many Q’s are really 2 parts (gui toggle to change skybox ex,) but “no 2-part Q’s” isn’t a rule. Super rough FAQ rewrite, in no special order:
o Avoid genre-specific questions, such as “red screen for horror game.” You’ll get better results if you reword as “tint entire screen.”
o If you’re just stating with Unity, there is a lot to learn. Most of the problems you’ll have early on are solved by reading the many “How to use Unity” topics. We don’t mean to be rude, but it’s the best way we know to explain things.
o We don’t specifically support other people’s tutorials. We’re a little sensitive if it sounds like our job is to fix everything on the internet
o C# is common language outside of Unity. Which means that many questions about using C# can be solved by looking them up in the regular internet.
o Before posting script error questions, please read the intro to scripting errors guide [note: is there anything now which is good enough for this?]
o Before posting script-not-working questions, use general debugging tricks to isolate the problem. Try to get it down to one line that you know is running (because you print just before it,) but it isn’t doing what the manual says it should.
o Many questions about textures or 3D models have to do with the program that made them. You can often find good answers on photoshop/gimp/max/maya/blender sites.
o Questions about games made with Unity are best asked on the game-maker’s site. This site is mainly for people using the Unity3D editor to make games.
o [repeat the “gui toggle to change skybox” ex, about breaking a Q into parts.]
Writing is hard and it’s very difficult to get the right “try to meet us halfway” tone. And, a lot of the things we think new users should be seeing are a little bit hidden now, or aren’t as good as we thought.