Meta Audience Network Adapter Pod installation error

Please help me!

Hello @wechat_og5za0tNW5B9l4iE3JPwwoM7KaDQ ,

Thanks for reaching out, I am not able to reproduce this issue. I’m able to download from this link: Are you able to download this link? This may be due to your firewall settings, or depending on your geolocation, your jurisdiction may be blocking certain domains.

Let us know if you manage to resolve this issue, thanks!

Hello,thank you for reply!
I can download this file separately, but I don’t know how to integrate it into Unity. This error caused Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace to fail to be generated

Hi @wechat_og5za0tNW5B9l4iE3JPwwoM7KaDQ ,

Thanks for getting back to us. Downloading the file was just to confirm if it was a firewall issue or something else. It sounds as though it falls into the ‘something else’ category. To further determine the issue, could you:

  • Use Terminal and go to the generated Xcode project folder. Manually execute ‘pod update --verbose’ and share the resulting Cocoapods logs either here or send it to me privately if you prefer.
  • Tell us the version of Cocoapods you are using by executing ‘pod --version’ in Terminal.

Thank you for sharing this issue with us.