Meta Quest Core SDK OVREyeGaze not enabling eye tracking

I am working on a project that records eye tracking data in a .csv file. I downloaded the Meta Core SDK that included OVREyeGaze and created a script to record the eye data into a .csv file. I would however keep receiving this error

Eye tracking is not enabled. Ensure it is configured in the Oculus settings.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
EyeTrackingLogger:StartLogging () (at Assets/EyeTrackingLogger.cs:46)
EyeTrackingLogger:Start () (at Assets/EyeTrackingLogger.cs:20)

I will attached my script to show what it was trying to access (I was trying to check if OVRPlugin.eyeTrackingEnabled was true)

using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Logs eye tracking data from OVRPlugin to a CSV hfile.
/// </summary>
public class EyeTrackingLogger : MonoBehaviour
    public string LogFileName = "EyeTrackingLog.csv"; // File to save logs
    public float LogInterval = 0.1f; // Time between log entries in seconds

    private float _nextLogTime;
    private StreamWriter _csvWriter;
    private bool _isLogging;

    void Start()
        // Automatically start logging when the game starts

    void Update()
        // Log data periodically based on LogInterval
        if (_isLogging && Time.time >= _nextLogTime)
            _nextLogTime = Time.time + LogInterval;

    void OnDestroy()
        // Stop logging and clean up resources when the object is destroyed

    /// <summary>
    /// Starts logging eye-tracking data to the CSV file.
    /// </summary>
    private void StartLogging()
        if (!OVRPlugin.eyeTrackingEnabled)
            Debug.LogError("Eye tracking is not enabled. Ensure it is configured in the Oculus settings.");

            _csvWriter = new StreamWriter(LogFileName);
            _isLogging = true;
            Debug.Log($"Eye tracking logging started. Writing to: {LogFileName}");
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogError($"Failed to start logging: {e.Message}");

    /// <summary>
    /// Stops logging and closes the CSV file.
    /// </summary>
    private void StopLogging()
        if (_csvWriter != null)
            _csvWriter = null;

        _isLogging = false;
        Debug.Log("Eye tracking logging stopped.");

    /// <summary>
    /// Logs the current eye-tracking data.
    /// </summary>
    private void LogEyeData()
        var eyeGazesState = new OVRPlugin.EyeGazesState();
        if (!OVRPlugin.GetEyeGazesState(OVRPlugin.Step.Render, -1, ref eyeGazesState))
            Debug.LogWarning("Failed to retrieve eye-gaze state.");

        foreach (OVRPlugin.Eye eye in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OVRPlugin.Eye)))
            var eyeGaze = eyeGazesState.EyeGazes[(int)eye];

            if (!eyeGaze.IsValid || eyeGaze.Confidence < 0.5f) // Adjust confidence threshold as needed

            var position = eyeGaze.Pose.Position;
            var rotation = eyeGaze.Pose.Orientation;
            string logEntry = $"{Time.time},{eye},{eyeGaze.Confidence},{position.x},{position.y},{position.z},{rotation.x},{rotation.y},{rotation.z},{rotation.w}";


        _csvWriter.Flush(); // Ensure data is written to the file immediately

I have checked on my oculus pro and enabled the beta settings on the meta link app. I have tried the eye gaze building blocks as well with the same error. If anyone has a solution to this please let me know.