Meta-XR SDK_How to snap a grabbed object during hovering

hi community,
I have an issue in my project using Unity. I’m developing a game for violin learning on Oculus Quest 3 using Meta’s Interaction SDK with hand tracking (no controllers).

I’ve set up HandGrabInteractor and HandGrabInteractable to grab a bow and make it snap to a string. However, once the bow snaps:

1)The hand stops following the bow and stays in place.
2)I cannot move the bow along the string while still holding it.
3)If I move my hand too far, the bow should unsnap, but I’m unsure how to handle this properly.

I’ve checked the SnapInteractor and SnapInteractable documentation, but I couldn’t find an out-of-the-box solution.

Is there a built-in way in the Interaction SDK to achieve this without modifying the code?
If not, what’s the recommended approach to allow continuous movement after snapping?
