Metal Sample Wrong Resolution / Alignment

Hello everyone,

I’ve tried everything and I can’t make the Metal Sample work normally.

It’s always rendering on the bottom left corner of the view, like if the resolution is completely wrong.
This is a screenshot from within the Vision Pro:

VIsion OS : 2.1.1
XCODE 16.1
Apple VisionOS Plugin: 2.1.2
Unity 6.0.30f1

Has anyone experienced this problem?

Thank you

Hey there! Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble.

This is a new one! I haven’t seen this issue before and I really can’t imagine what would cause it. Are you starting with a blank Unity project? Are you using the template? Can you please submit a bug report (Help > Report a bug...) with the project attached so we can take a look?


Graphics Job enabled was the culprit.