Metallic / Smoothness Settings

Hey all,

I’ve been trying to set up a shader for a wet mine (cave). The mine is a single mesh and the floor needs to look very wet while the walls and ceiling are much drier. If I use the specular shader, when I plug in the spec map, my highlights are extremely tight and looks like a bunch of sparkles. I’ve tried adjusting the specular map and I haven’t found a way of controlling how tight the higlights are. No matter what, they just look like sparkles. I tried the standard shader and with the metallic / smoothness combination, I can control how tight the highlights are and get a nice wet look, but I can’t use a map to adjust the wetness from floor to ceiling. I could use some advice at this point. Any thoughts?

first of all i’d reference this chart to make sure your values are correct [Official] 5.0 PBR Calibration Charts - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

second, in order to adjust the wetness from floor to ceiling you either need to get that into your smoothness map, or you need a custom shader. Unless you are capable of creating a custom shader then you’ll need to get that data into your smoothness map.

You could either paint the floor with more smoothness in photoshop, or if it’s a specific mesh you could do a world position (Y axis) bake. Like for example in substance designer you could bake world position on the y axis and get something that you could use to control the wetness.

otherwise you could split the mine mesh into two materials, and control the smoothness for the floor separately from the smoothness for the walls/ceiling.

but basically what you need to do is find a way to make the floors smooth and the walls/ceilings less smooth.