Method for making camera follow a track / spline?

I’d like to do some complex camera moves in my game. I have no trouble making the camera move from point A to point B. But I’d like to have it follow a spline, preferably with the endpoints of the spline changing over time.

I haven’t seen anything in unity that would make this easy, but I’m new so maybe I’m just missing it.

IF I have to do it from scratch, I could define waypoints, and make them a child of a game object that then moves in the game, and write a custom script to lerp the camera from point to point. I wonder if there’s a good way to do the timing for this, or to know when the camera has gotten to a given point so I can send it off to the next point-- Is there a quick “distance between two transforms” or “all transforms in a given volume” method in the API?

RTFM is fine-- just need pointers.


there is this:

and this:

finally this:

there are probably more… and the above are not perfect but are a start.


Thank you very much! I think my initial search of the forums was inadequate. :slight_smile:


This is an old thread but some people might be interested in Camera Path on the asset store > It’s specifically built for this purpose as I needed this myself. Sorry for the SHAMELESS self promotion. I’ll slink back to my cave…

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