Method not working on Android device

Hey, i have two scripts which maintain how my score will be multiplied in the game

using UnityEngine;

public class ObjectDetection : MonoBehaviour
    public float raycastDistance = 1f;
    public LayerMask obstacleLayer;
    public score scoreScript;

    void Start()
        scoreScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("score").GetComponent<score>();
    void FixedUpdate()
        // Get the direction in world space
        Vector3 leftRayDirection = -Vector3.right;
        Vector3 rightRayDirection = Vector3.right;

        // Check both rays
        bool obstacleOnLeft = CheckRay(leftRayDirection,;
        bool obstacleOnRight = CheckRay(rightRayDirection,;

        // Do something if there are obstacles on both sides
        if (obstacleOnLeft && obstacleOnRight)
            Debug.Log("Obstacle detected on both sides!");

    bool CheckRay(Vector3 rayDirection, Color debugColor)
        // Cast a ray
        RaycastHit hit;
        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, rayDirection, out hit, raycastDistance, obstacleLayer))
            Debug.Log("Something detected: " + + " in direction: " + rayDirection);
            // Do something if an object is detected
            return true;

        // Debug visualization
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, rayDirection * raycastDistance, debugColor);
        return false;

and the secound script is this one

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;

public class score : MonoBehaviour
    public AudioSource multiply;
    public Animator anim;
    public TextMeshProUGUI multiplierscore;
    public TextMeshProUGUI scoree;
    public float total;
    public float less;
    public float scoremultiplier = 1f;
    public float multiplierduaration = 5f;

     public float elapsedTimeWithoutObstacle = 0f;
    public bool obstacleDetected = false;
    private bool isCooldownActive = false;
    public float obstacleScoreCooldown = 1.5f;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
       total += Time.deltaTime;
       less = (total/1)*scoremultiplier*11f;
       scoree.text = less.ToString("0");
       multiplierscore.text = "X"+scoremultiplier.ToString("0");

         if (obstacleDetected && !isCooldownActive)
            elapsedTimeWithoutObstacle = 0f;
            isCooldownActive = true;
            StartCoroutine(ObstacleCooldown());// Reset the timer
         else if(!obstacleDetected)
            elapsedTimeWithoutObstacle += Time.deltaTime;

            // If a certain duration has passed without obstacles, reset the multiplier
            if (elapsedTimeWithoutObstacle >= multiplierduaration)
       if (less>PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("highscore",0))
     public void ObstacleDetected()
        obstacleDetected = true;
        public void NoObstacleDetected()
        obstacleDetected = false;
    private void ResetMultiplier()
        if (scoremultiplier>1f)
          scoremultiplier = 1f;  
        elapsedTimeWithoutObstacle = 0f;
    IEnumerator ObstacleCooldown()
       yield return new WaitForSeconds(obstacleScoreCooldown);
        isCooldownActive = false;


but the problem is that the score multiplier is not working android device but it is working in the unity editor, plese anybody help me.