DevLog #6
It’s been awhile! This process has been similar to the development of CATACLYSM in that I went through fairly long stretches of not working on it for one reason or another.
Some of these “new” features have been in the game for some time, but I wasn’t ready to share them. I guess it was starting to feel ridiculous that I was just using the “Fighter” sprite as a placeholder for every new ship. It could be a long time before Matt is able to make something nice-looking, so I decided to throw together some placeholders of my own. They aren’t pretty, but they do make each ship distinct, and that’s the main thing. Also, making the Mother Ship a significantly larger target is important for (probably obvious) gameplay reasons.
Anyways, here’s what’s new:
This is the “Mine Ship”, which was one of the early ideas that Matt and I came up with. We are both interested in ships that are built around doing something aside from direct attacks and this ship fits that category nicely. This ship is a bit unusual in that it fires from its rear end. Nope-- nothin’ funny there.
Primary Fire: Mini Mines
This is probably a “no brainer” for a “mine ship”. The Orb-Weaver spits out a whole mess of tiny mines. They only do a small amount of damage each, but they pack a fairy strong knockback effect, meaning that ship that hit one are 1) at risk of getting bumped into other mines and 2) will have to either slow down to navigate mine fields slowly or burn extra AP to go around. The slowing down aspect will play a more significant role once a turn time limit is implemented. Come to think of it, that should happen soon…
Secondary Fire: Magnet Mine
This functions pretty much as you’d expect from the name. On release, the magnet mine is temporarily harmless-- I didn’t want it to be treated like a simple missile. After a delay, the indicator light switches colour from yellow to green and the spikes pop out indicating that the bomb is now armed and will explode on contact with any ship it touches. Matt and I were in agreement that their range (in which they’ll be triggered and drawn towards a ship) should be invisible, however I found that in practice, this results in too many accidental self-hits. So when it’s your turn, you’ll see a ring around your own magnet mines to make them much easier to avoid. Of course, opponents can still use your own mines against you if they shoot you into their range. One thing that I found sort of accidentally amusing about their behaviour is that they only move towards moving ships, so if you’re being chased, you can “escape” by stopping. This doesn’t eliminate the threat though as you’ll still be in their range, and they have low “drag” meaning they’ll still drift a bit after they’ve stopped targeting you. Skilled players could use this trick to bring them towards opponents, then take a single shot at the enemy to make the mine move towards them instead. This will require extra time, AP, and skill, so there’s no “free” way to escape one of these.
Ability: Gravity Well
This is one of the plainest examples of what Matt and I mean when we talk about “synergy” between a ship’s weapon and ability. The gravity well releases as an almost invisible black circle (placeholder graphic-- we’re planning on making it look more like a star that collapses into the “singularity” you now see. After a delay, a donut-shaped field opens up that pulls ships and most projectiles into its centre, trapping them. Until recently, the effect lasted just one round, disappearing at the start of the turn on which it was deployed. I recently increased that to two rounds. We’ll see if that ends up being too powerful. Most ships can’t escape the gravity well on their own. The V-Raptor (“scout”) can get out by using a momentum trick that’s difficult to describe (I may upload a video later showing this in more depth), but if the area is full of mini mines, this is much more difficult to execute. The V-Raptor’s dash ability is the easiest way to escape. The Scorpion (I’ll post about this ship in detail soon) has a sort of grappling beam that can be used to pull itself out. Other ships will need the help of the Drone and its transport ability as it is also capable of using the V-Raptor’s momentum trick. This fact is incredibly important as it makes it so that the gravity well can never be abused to create an unwinnable situation in an unfair way-- at least, as far as I have come up with.
Dashboard HUD
This was nagging at me on the to-do list for a long time. It got to to the point that its absence was getting on my nerves as I played test games. This should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyways: Everything ugly in this HUD is only temporary. Matt made the slick-looking AP bar, and I drew up the weapon icons which I think are mostly acceptable. I’m not sure how many of those icons will be replaced, but everything else is built in to be purely functional.
Pressing the help key will display the game controls as well as detailed information about the currently-selected weapon. I think that Matt will be contributing to these descriptions with some flavour text, and he’s very good at that sort of thing, so consider my descriptions to be functional placeholder as well.
Square Aspect Ratio!?
I feel like this would be controversial if anybody else cared about the game (it’s ok ). As (tiredly) explained in the video, this turned out to be an essential move. Using your AP wisely is a huge part of the game, so in widescreen, you would pretty much always want to retreat either up or down as it requires the other player to move further before they can see you. I think this would have been a terrible design blunder had I not dealt with it in this way. It would have been nice to be able to use the vertical bars to house the HUD, but with the many possible device aspect ratios that people could play the game with, I couldn’t see any way to layout the HUD in a way that wouldn’t break in some cases. Given that you can hide the HUD with the right-click, I’m not as concerned with the relatively small amount of screen clutter that the dashboard causes, at least, as long as the extra “help” info is hidden.
Randomized Space Junk
Like the dashboard, this was planned long ago, but put off. I assumed that it would be more difficult than it ended up being. Currently, the system only supports simple circular or rectangular (non-compound) colliders, but I have a couple of ideas of how to expand it to work with any kind of collider.
The idea is that we’ll have a few environments defined by their backgrounds and the types of space junk (and possibly obstacles) that may appear. Players will be able to choose an environment, and then the amount of obstacles they want to spawn. I’ll probably break it down by obstacle size, and then vague terms describing how many to spawn (“A few”, “Moderate”, “Lots”, “Crowded”). This is for two reasons: 1) The numbers behind these descriptions will vary depending on the arena size (we’re planning to have three variations), and 2) The exact number of spawned objects can’t be guaranteed. The system takes a list of objects that it will try to spawn, randomly selects one (currently, with no regard for its size classification), then tries to spawn it. If it fails too many times to find a clear spot, it gives up. I was also thinking of giving a few options for how the objects spawn. Generally, an even distribution around the map is probably ideal, but if players wanted things to spawn more around the edges of the map or perhaps in a line or cross through the map, that might be interesting as well.
Negating the first-player advantage is tricky in a turn-based game. The randomized maps are part of my effort to accomplish that. If the map never looks the same, the first player won’t know which part of the map they’re on, and they certainly won’t know where the opponent is. They’ll have to branch out and/or explore to find them. Because of the way the camera moves between turns, the second player will always have a pretty good idea of where the first player is (if they’re paying attention). I feel like this is a good balance. On top of this, all players start with half AP, so in a three or four-player game, it’s impossible (I think) for anyone to get annihilated before having a chance to act.
Pick-Up Spawns
This is another thing that I plan to allow players to customize in settings: They should be allowed to decide the odds of each type spawning, how many, and how frequently (every turn, every other turn, etc.). For now, it spawns a random generic 1, generic 2, or ability pick-up.
I don’t expect that anyone is reading this navel-gaze-y junk, but if you’ve checked out the video, I’d like to hear your thoughts.