Microphone Input Doesn't Work 1st APK Run

Edit: The issue was due to Voice SDK losing access to the mic during the permission window phase. See: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unity/voice-sdk-known-issues/

Has anyone dealt with Microphone permissions on Quest?

For some reason the microphone input never works on the first run of the app after permissions is granted. It works fine from the 2nd onwards.

It’s the Unity microphone class and I’ve tried calling into the class at various points in my app to trigger the permission screen at different times, and so far nothing has worked.

he permission screen does come up, and I’ve confirmed I have the correct device name even on the first run. I’ve also tried manually entering into the android manifest prior to build time. But it never seems to actually record input until the 2nd run.

Any advice would be much appreciated!