Microphone.Start() stops audio from playing on ios

When I call

Microphone.Start(“”, true, 4, 44100);

My iphone output volume drops to almost imperceptibly low levels. I suppose this is to keep audio playing from the phone speakers from being recorded, but in my case it’s causing all kinds of issues. I would really just like the audio to stay at the normal volume and I can take care of controlling what sounds are playing.

Anyone else run into this or know a work around? I would file a bug but I don’t know how to going about doing that (or if it’s appropriate).


Also a very late response, but I ran into this issue as well. I found some code to force the audio back to the speaker, and wrapped it into a plugin. Seems to fix it. [13130-iphonespeaker.unitypackage.zip|13130]


Very late answer but for anyone else having a similar problem.

When the iPhone is recording from the microphone through Unity it will play any audio through the ear piece instead of the normal speaker. I don’t know of any way to actually get around this other than to not be recording from the mike when playing audio.