Microsoft Teams Integration

Does any try to integrate MS Teams with Unity3D?
I would like connect to MS Teams Audio channel from Unity3d but don’t know how to start?
My plan is using Audio channel of MS Teams and use that in my 3D Environment and establish a communication in interactive 3D Environment.

Is it possible?

I did the research for you… A quick google showed Microsft Teams has an API but it does not yet support voice.

Hey, thanks for you response. Can you please share APIs link you were talking about?


You can now!

I am also working on a project if you are interested in collaborating.

Hey, I’m also gonna work on a MS Team integration in Unity for an AR application. It is gonna be nearly the first time I will do something like this and I might need some help. It would be realy nice if I could talk with someone who have done this before.

Is there a tutorial of how to integrate Microsoft Teams in Unity?

Has anyone achieved the above task? If yes please do share the reference. I am trying to integrate teams calling from HoloLens 2.Thanks.

What is your progress regarding teams integration with unity AR Foundation?