How’s your very first Learn-Along going?? We hope that you’re having tons of fun and are jamming to some sweet beats.
Just a reminder - after completing the initial Roll-A-Ball Learning Project, we highly encourage you to “remix” your game and add your own unique touch to Roll-A-Ball.
ALSO - When you’ve completed your own very special version of Roll-A-Ball, you’ll be able to submit you’re work to the Roll-A-Ball Showcase on Unity Play to be considered in one of these five categories:
Best Overall Most Fun Best Graphics Best Sound Weirdest (Up to interpretation. Art is subjective, yeah? Haha.)
We’ll also be streaming on Twitch + YouTube, featuring submitted submissions and award winners!
On behalf of the Unity Learn and Community team, happy jamming and KEEP ON ROLLING!!!
The Unity 6 one doesn’t cover this as the built in input actions asset is referenced automatically when the component is added. On the 2022.3 version, it details creating the Input action asset.
Though there should be a pre-made input actions asset in 2022.3 you can reference. Click the little circle at the end of the object field, and it will show you all assets you can select for that reference.
Otherwise just fill out the necessary input actions in the asset you have created. It’s pretty straight forward.