Migrating GameCenter Player ID to GameID/TeamID


In our game we use the Player ID to identify users on our online system, with which the user can load their progress etc.

We updated to 2019.4 and this value has now changed. We’ve only just found out the cause - Player ID is deprecated and is being replaced with Game ID and Team ID.

But how do we port the players across to the new system? We updated our app, and now all of a sudden we don’t have access to PlayerID.

We can cast LocalUser to UserProfile to read the value of GameID - this is not the same as their old PlayerID. And accessing LocalUser.ID (or UserProfile.ID) returns the new TeamID.

How do i associate the user with their old data?


What did you end up doing?

We had to write our own plugin to read the player id.

I think this has been resolved now.

It seems like with the new teamPlayerId its a clean slate. All the old achievements etc tied to the gamecenter is not showing up for the new ID. How did you exactly migrate the data from legacyId to the teamPlayerId?

How i can get a GameCenter gameId(not team Id)?