Hi there!
I’ve had a Unity trial going for a while but as the only access I have to decent spec macs is at work I’ve barely used it. However I’m finally getting some vacation time so I’m gonna spend some actual time on making a game. I’ve already modelled and animated most of the assets in Maya and imported them in. I’ve scoured through the documentation and I’ll be going through all the tutorials next week but as my game is more of a platformer type game, there’s still some things I’m unsure of so if anyone can give me a hand it would be appreciated! I’ll even give you special mention in the credits (That’s if I can figure out how to make credits… ) The game’s not a commercial thing though. It’s more for fun and learning (And something cool to put in the portfolio) than anything. As it’s my first game, I’m remaking the first level from Sonic the Hedgehog, but in 3D!
Anyway, to the questions:
I’ve got my main character and his controls mostly set up, (run and jump: the easy stuff) however there’s a few more I’d like to add in.
I’ve got a waiting animation that I’d like to play if the controls aren’t touched for 20 seconds or so. How would I add that in?
When he jumps, I want to add in a “double jump” feature in which when the jump button is pressed twice in rapid succession, the character (while still in jump animation) will hone in on any collision objects within a set distance. I also need this to be repeatable so if there’s a row of 5 collision objects, after the character has hit the first one, the player needs to be able to press the jump button again to make him hone in on the second object and so on…
Collision objects! I’ve tried to figure these out but it’s just not clicked for me yet. I’ve got a bunch of different collision objects. I’ve got the golden rings which the character collects, when those are touched they need to vanish and be added to the total in the gui (The GUI’s a whole other section but I’ve not fully looked into Unity’s GUI system yet so I’ll refrain from asking questions on that until I’ve looked into it and am still none the wiser
) Another collision object would be the enemies, which explode on collision. However, they only explode if the character is in the jump animation, if the character collides with it whilst running or walking he’ll get hurt. The next collision object is a spring that will launch the character up in the air and the last one is a marker that will trigger the end of the level and bring up the end of level dialogue (again, GUI stuff that’ll wait for later).
loop-de-loops and stuff. It’s not Sonic without a running round a loop! I’ve played about with the character control settings but I can’t get him to run all the way around the loop. My guess is it’s something to do with giving the loop it’s own gravity or something but I’m not certain.
I’m currently using the supermariocamera script on my Main Camera, however the camera is forever behind my character. I’d like the camera to be looking at the character from the right (Like in a 2D platformer type game). I’ve spent a lot of time messing with the camera settings but I can not figure out how to get the camera to do that! At a couple of points in the level however, I need the camera to come behind the character to get a better viewpoint, is this possible?
Oh, also, I’d like to have an invisible barrier at the far side of each platform to stop the character from falling off too easily. Can I make these in Maya and just add a transparant material to them or is it best to do them in Unity?
Right, I think that’s enough rabid typing from me, lol! If anyone can please help me with this I’d be really very grateful!
Thanks in advance!