Hi guys!
When I launch the game in the browser, I get an error in the browser console, but the game is running. The error is this:

In the htaccess file I have the following settings:

Configured MIME types on the server:

How to fix the (MIME type) error?

You havent set the content type - that looks like the older style of setup for webgl :frowning:

heres mine

AddType application/x-httpd-php53 php
AddType application/wasm wasm
AddType application/wasm wasm.gz
AddType application/wasm wasm.br
AddType application/javascript js
AddType application/javascript js.br
AddType application/javascript js.gz

# The following line improves loading performance for uncompressed builds
AddType application/wasm .wasm
AddEncoding gzip .unityweb

<IfModule mod_mime.c>

<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.unityweb$">
  Header set Content-Encoding "gzip"

<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.gz$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/gzip"
  Header set Content-Encoding "gzip"

<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.data\.gz$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/octet-stream"
  Header set Content-Encoding "gzip"
<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.js\.gz$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/javascript"
  Header set Content-Encoding "gzip"
<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.wasm\.gz$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/wasm"
  Header set Content-Encoding "gzip"
<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.wasm$">
  Header set Content-Encoding "gzip"
  Header set Content-Type "application/wasm"

<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.data\.br$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/octet-stream"
  Header set Content-Encoding "br"
<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.js\.br$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/javascript"
  Header set Content-Encoding "br"
<FilesMatch "[^.]+\.wasm\.br$">
  Header set Content-Type "application/wasm"
  Header set Content-Encoding "br"

AddType application/x-httpd-php53 php

If you remove this line, everything works fine!

Thank you very much buddy!!!

I did say it was mine :smile: that was something i needed :smile:

Can this error be fixed or is it no longer due to the server?

no idea, note related to mime types though. TBH I dont get those

I have a doubt, should I ask it here?

Depends what it is, is it relevant to this thread?

Any update?

Edit: Seems no