Min and Max value?

I’ve been trying to create a min and max value within a min and max value but it doesn’t seem to be working for me the way i would like and I’m kinda stuck with ideas on how to achieve it.

So i have a speed of my game object and when it reaches a speed of 7 the ‘ cookedAmount ‘ will = the min2 value of 0 and when the current speed reaches 10 the ‘ cookedAmount ‘ will then = the max2 value of 3.
currentSpeed = 8.5, cookedAmount = 2. currentSpeed = 9.5, cookedAmount = 2.25 so on…

I’ve tried Mathf.Lerp and Mathf.Clamp and they don’t seem to work properly.

public bool overCooked;
public float cookedAmount;
public float min2 = 0;
public float max2 = 3;

    (currentSpeed > 7 && currentSpeed < 10) 
			overCooked = true;  
			cookedAmount = Mathf.Lerp (min2, max2, currentSpeed / 11.5f);

attempt two,

    public bool overCooked;
    public float cookedAmount;
    public float min2 = 0;
    public float max2 = 3;

        (currentSpeed > 7 && currentSpeed < 10) 
    			overCooked = true;  
    			cookedAmount =  Mathf.Clamp  (currentSpeed * 0.25, min2, max2);

This should work, i think you just forgot the “if”.

if (currentSpeed > 7 && currentSpeed < 10) 
  overCooked = true;  
  cookedAmount = Mathf.Lerp (min2, max2, currentSpeed / 11.5f);