Min, Max Rotation Help

Im trying to set the Min and max rotation for my camera, this my attempt.

void Update() {
	//X Rotation Min and Max
	if (transform.eulerAngles.x >= -15){
        transform.eulerAngles.x = -15;
    if (transform.eulerAngles.x <= -60){
        transform.eulerAngles.x = -60;

and this is were the rotation is happening

_currentCameraRotation.x += changeInRotationX * settings.rotation.cameraRotationRate.x * Time.deltaTime;

You didn’t state what was wrong in your question…

You can’t modify the rotation components like that. Store the rotation in a local variable, clamp the values, and then reassign the objects rotation.

Here shakes only when i rotate x axis for down! RIDICULOUS!