Mini Golf Ace iPhone

Just submitted to the App Store: Mini Golf Ace for the iPhone.

Here is a video:

Looks good so far. Now you can create nice textures for the 3d models.

I like the non-textured style.

It is clean, solid und looks different from other games in this genre.

Good idea to implement a hot seat mode, as far as it is one.


Actualy my vote is for the clean look as well, but I wonder how it would look with some color just to the putting area and everything else grey. might make it “POP” a bit more. POP? I hate that word…might be a good contrast.

I like it, looks great, very clean and sharp. Good luck with it!

Thanks for your feedback!

@oxl: what is a hot seat mode? I’m not sure we’re implemented one, especially as I don’t know what it is :slight_smile:

Regarding the decision to leave away a colorful texture: we wanted to differentiate to other mini golf games and achieve a more subtle, reduced yet modernistic look. Textures for the 18 lanes are only 256x256, but uncompressed. For the backgrounds there are PVRTC compressed textures 256x256, set to clamp. Download size is about 7MB, uncompressed 22.5MB.

It’s our first iPhone title, so we’re excited about what are the users reactions will be, as soon it’s in the App Store.