Mini Golf Starter Kit

Well I did record it but you cant really hear what I am saying because I dont have a mic and havent done a video like that before, maybe I will record it again later (I even tried recording again but its still too quite without the mic).

Heres are a few games that were made using the starter kit. If you want to add your minigollf game will add it tothe description and maybe will get you some more sales…

It’s a quote, hence the link beside it. It isn’t up to him to alter a quote from one of his customers.

I appreciate you taking the time to make this. I’ll go change my review too. Hope you keep adding to this kit, Multiplayer would be great. Again thanks.

How do I change the text from Mini Golf Starter Kit in the opening menu?

Thanks for another video. Another question does this kit work in 4.0? Thanks in advance.

Yeah it will work but I will make an update to use unity4

Could you explain why this is happening. The ball just seems to not be rolling, just jumps a certain distance.

I just seen an update, wondering what was updated. Thanks in advance.

Also can you make a tutorial video, that basically goes through the documentation. I’m having trouble with some parts of it. For example, first I go to build settings. I then put the menu and drag the 18 courses into the build settings. Then after that I’m not entirely sure I’m following the documentation correct. I can’t find the continous collision setting. So I never really get past this step. Is there anyway you could possibly make another short tutorial going through this to make a fully working game? Thanks in advance

I have the same thing :frowning:

I ma not really sure what you guys are doing but maybe the roll time is really low.

Adding an update so you can easily have multiple coures.

Thanks… it is working now

I send you a PM

Hi, I’ve tried it agian…it works great until I add the script I get from the asset store. This is where I’m trying to upload my game too. Any Ideas?

I’ve realized that it has nothing to do with the script I add to it. The game works wonderfully the first time I build it, the ball rolls and does everything correctly. Then I save it and then re-open it and now the ball just does a jump skip and you don’t see it roll, exactly like this…
Domain name for sale - M2H
If anyone could help me about this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Can someone please help me. I open the project and everything works fine. Then I save and then the ball doesn’t roll any more. Do I need to change anything in the ball script?

Take a look at the ball prefabs.

For some reason i dont have a min roll time…or slow down drag or slow down angular drag.