mini space war


because my semester starts monday and i wanted to create at least a small 2d game (got stuck on some other ideas) - i pushed myself through the last couple of days and created a simple spacewar clone…


it provides three modes:
ai vs. ai (very dumb state machine ai)
player vs. ai
player vs. player

the keys are:
player 1:
w - thrust
a - turn left
d - turn right
space - fire torpedo
h - fire homing torpedo

player 2:
left - thrust
right - turn left
up - turn right
left shift or # - fire torpedo
return - fire homing torpedo

i stole the audio from an old mega drive game.
and i would be interested since i still have some grafic problems on my windows box (see this thread) who of you
encounters the same…

tell me what you think!

Nice. My one idea would be to weaken the planet’s gravity a little bit, I feel like I spent too much time fighting that instead of worrying about my enemy. Otherwise I think you’re on to a fun little game. :slight_smile:

maybe your are right with lowering the amount of gravity.
for me knowing the game - gravity felt right. but i can imagine for someone doing it the first time it can be a bit distracting keeping an eye on the enemy, his shots and your flightpath at once… :slight_smile:

like to include a settings screen in which you could e.g. change the mass of the sun - remap keys - whatever …

Or go a step further where on different levels the sun’s gravity changes. Or have an orbiting planet that pulls on you too. Anything else I can add on? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

anything you like! how about:

  • gravity bombs (bomb which turns on a very high mass after a few seconds until destroyed or something else happens)
  • network multiplayer (more than 2 players)
  • satelites
  • limited fuel (refuel on sun or satelite)
  • ufos (third party like in asteroids)
  • debris fields from the beginning
  • tractor weapon to use the debris against enemies

any more ideas higgy? :smile:

Those sound good, now make 'em happen! :smile: