Minimap/Outdoor Maps?

Basically, id like to know if theres a way to take a unity terrain/level and map the terrain from a top down perspective to create an accurate minimap.

Something like the maps in the Might and Magic series.

Sorry if it’s a noob question. If theres a document on it that i missed please share the link.

I’ve not done this - but I’ve read about it here on the forums.
Look into render to texture.

I’ve also seen a couple example “tutorial” videos doing this process also, but my memory says the end result was pretty under polished (novice) looking imo.

Someone just posted this on Gamasutra - Game Platforms recent news | Game Developer


@Stardog i never would have thought to do that, thanks a ton that should do the trick!

And @theANMATOR2b that probably could have worked also so thanks but using startdogs method seems more efficient to me.

Thanks guys

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