minimax-AI code not working properly

I have been trying to write up a AI (minimax) for a checkers/connect4 type game by following some posts/examples I found online but its not working properly.

Right now, I think its countering my moves in horizontal row properly (very bottom row) but it has these 2 problems I have observed:

  1. Its not taking into consideration/countering vertical rows i.e. if I put 3 red in last row, it do tries to counter me from doing so. But if I put 3 red in 1st column, it keeps suggesting moves in last/horizontal row only rather than trying to counter the vertical move.

  2. When all the cells fill up in horizontal row (last), it should ideally use 2nd last row or whichever row has free space, but instead it suggests a value of -1 which is out of bounds from my board array

PS: Sorry for the messy code, I am used to writing single classes first and then divide up my code once it works. I know bad habit, but its something I am most comfortable with.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {

    public const int tilesX = 14;
    public const int tilesY = 9;
    public int[,] board;

    public GameObject redObject;
    public GameObject blueObject;

    public int currentPlayer = 1;

    //For AI
    public const int maxDepth = 5;
    public const int orangeWins = 1000000;
    public const int yellowWins = -orangeWins;
    public Board aiBoard;
    public int scoreOrig;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        board = new int[tilesY, tilesX];
        aiBoard = new Board();              //AI
        //scoreOrig = ScoreBoard(aiBoard); //AI


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (getWinner() != 0)
            //Game Over
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
            //Translate mousePosition from screenSize to actual gameViewUnits
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            //Run below function only if mouseClick's X/Y are within tileGrid

    void mousePressed(Ray ray)
        Vector2 mouseClickVector = new Vector2(ray.origin.x,ray.origin.y);
        int mouseClickX = (int) mouseClickVector.x;
        int y = findNextSpace(mouseClickX);
        //Debug.Log("Y: "+y);
        if (y>=0)
            board[y,mouseClickX] = currentPlayer;

            //For AI
            if (currentPlayer == 2)
                dropDisk(aiBoard, mouseClickX, Mycell.Yellow);   //AI 2
            } else
                dropDisk(aiBoard, mouseClickX, Mycell.Orange);   //AI 1
            //Spawn and animate the circleObject
            spawnPlayerObject(mouseClickX, y);

            //End and change turn


    int findNextSpace(int x)
        for(int y=0; y<= tilesY - 1; y++)   //bottom to top

                return y;
        return -1;

    void spawnPlayerObject(int x, int y)
        float posX = (float) x + 0.5f; //center in x tile
        float posY = (float)y + 0.5f; //center in y tile
        GameObject g;
            g = Instantiate(redObject, new Vector3(posX, posY, 0), Quaternion.identity);
            g = Instantiate(blueObject, new Vector3(posX, posY, 0), Quaternion.identity);

    void changeTurn()
        currentPlayer = currentPlayer == 1 ? 2 : 1;
        //check winner

        if (currentPlayer == 2)
            int move, score;
            abMinimax(true, Mycell.Orange, maxDepth, aiBoard, out move, out score);
            Debug.Log("Move: " + move + " | Score: " + score);

            //Manually make CPU's turn
            int y = findNextSpace(move);
            board[y, move] = currentPlayer;

            //For AI
            if (currentPlayer == 2)
                dropDisk(aiBoard, move, Mycell.Yellow);   //AI 2
                dropDisk(aiBoard, move, Mycell.Orange);   //AI 1
            //Spawn and animate the circleObject
            spawnPlayerObject(move, y);

            //End and change turn
            currentPlayer = currentPlayer == 1 ? 2 : 1;         //Not using function to avoid loop

    int getWinner()    //From rows,columns and diagnoals
        for(int y=0; y<tilesY; y++)
            for (int x=0; x<tilesX; x++)
                if (checkTile(y,x)!=0 && checkTile(y, x) ==checkTile(y, x+1) && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y, x+2) && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y, x+3))
                    Debug.Log("Won Columns: "+ checkTile(y, x));
                    return checkTile(y, x);
        for (int y = 0; y < tilesY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tilesX; x++)
                if (checkTile(y, x) != 0 && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y+1, x) && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y+2, x) && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y+3, x))
                    Debug.Log("Won Rows: " + checkTile(y, x));
                    return checkTile(y, x);
        for (int y = 0; y < tilesY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tilesX; x++)
                for (int d = -1; d <= 1; d += 2)
                    if (checkTile(y, x) != 0 && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y + 1 * d, x+1) && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y + 2 *d, x+2) && checkTile(y, x) == checkTile(y + 3 *d, x+3))
                        Debug.Log("Won Diagnoals: " + checkTile(y, x));
                        return checkTile(y, x);
        //Still possible turns/////
        for (int y = 0; y < tilesY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tilesX; x++)
                if (checkTile(y, x) == 0)
                    //Debug.Log("Still Possible turns left");
                    return 0;

        //draw is default
        return -1;

    int checkTile(int y, int x)
        return (y < 0 || x < 0 || y >= tilesY || x >= tilesX) ? 0 : board[y, x];


    public static bool g_debug = false;

    public enum Mycell
        Orange = 1,
        Yellow = -1,
        Barren = 0

    public class Board
        // Initially, this was Mycell[,]
        // Unfortunately, C# 2D arrays are a lot slower
        // than simple arrays of arrays (Jagged arrays): Mycell[][]
        // BUT
        // using a 1D array is EVEN faster:
        //    _slots[width*Y + X]
        // is much faster than
        //    _slots[Y][X]
        // (sigh) Oh well, C# is a VM-based language (specifically, .NET).
        // Running fast is not the primary concern in VMs...
        public Mycell[] _slots;
        public Board()
            _slots = new Mycell[tilesY * tilesX];   //height * width

    public static int dropDisk(Board board, int column, Mycell color)
        for (int y = 0; y <= tilesY - 1; y++)                           //bottom to top
            if (board._slots[tilesX * (y) + column] == Mycell.Barren)
                board._slots[tilesX * (y) + column] = color;
                return y;
        return -1;

    public static int ScoreBoard(Board board)
        int[] counters = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

        // Horizontal spans
        for (int y = 0; y < tilesY; y++)
            int score = (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y) + 0] + (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y) + 1] + (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y) + 2];
            for (int x = 3; x < tilesX; x++)
                score += (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y) + x];
                counters[score + 4]++;
                score -= (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y) + x - 3];
        // Vertical spans
        for (int x = 0; x < tilesX; x++)
            int score = (int)board._slots[tilesX * (0) + x] + (int)board._slots[tilesX * (1) + x] + (int)board._slots[tilesX * (2) + x];
            for (int y = 3; y < tilesY; y++)
                score += (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y) + x];
                counters[score + 4]++;
                score -= (int)board._slots[tilesX * (y - 3) + x];
        // Down-right (and up-left) diagonals
        for (int y = 0; y < tilesY - 3; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tilesX - 3; x++)
                int score = 0;
                for (int ofs = 0; ofs < 4; ofs++)
                    int yy = y + ofs;
                    int xx = x + ofs;
                    score += (int)board._slots[tilesX * (yy) + xx];
                counters[score + 4]++;
        // up-right (and down-left) diagonals
        for (int y = 3; y < tilesY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tilesX - 3; x++)
                int score = 0;
                for (int ofs = 0; ofs < 4; ofs++)
                    int yy = y - ofs;
                    int xx = x + ofs;
                    score += (int)board._slots[tilesX * (yy) + xx];
                counters[score + 4]++;

        if (counters[0] != 0)
            return yellowWins;
        else if (counters[8] != 0)
            return orangeWins;
                counters[5] + 2 * counters[6] + 5 * counters[7] -
                counters[3] - 2 * counters[2] - 5 * counters[1];
    //End Scoreboard

    public static void abMinimax(bool maximizeOrMinimize, Mycell color, int depth, Board board, out int move, out int score)
        if (0 == depth)
            move = -1;
            score = ScoreBoard(board);
            int bestScore = maximizeOrMinimize ? -10000000 : 10000000;
            int bestMove = -1;
            for (int column = 0; column < tilesX; column++)
                if (board._slots[tilesX * (0) + column] != Mycell.Barren)
                int rowFilled = dropDisk(board, column, color);
                if (rowFilled == -1)
                int s = ScoreBoard(board);
                if (s == (maximizeOrMinimize ? orangeWins : yellowWins))
                    bestMove = column;
                    bestScore = s;
                    board._slots[tilesX * (rowFilled) + column] = Mycell.Barren;
                int moveInner, scoreInner;
                if (depth > 1)
                    abMinimax(!maximizeOrMinimize, color == Mycell.Orange ? Mycell.Yellow : Mycell.Orange, depth - 1, board, out moveInner, out scoreInner);
                    moveInner = -1;
                    scoreInner = s;
                board._slots[tilesX * (rowFilled) + column] = Mycell.Barren;
                /* when loss is certain, avoid forfeiting the match, by shifting scores by depth... */
                if (scoreInner == orangeWins || scoreInner == yellowWins)
                    scoreInner -= depth * (int)color;
                if (depth == maxDepth && g_debug)
                    Debug.Log("Depth: " + depth+", placing on: " + column+", score: " + scoreInner);
                if (maximizeOrMinimize)
                    if (scoreInner >= bestScore)
                        bestScore = scoreInner;
                        bestMove = column;
                    if (scoreInner <= bestScore)
                        bestScore = scoreInner;
                        bestMove = column;
            move = bestMove;
            score = bestScore;
    //End abMiniMax


Line 343:

                if (board._slots[tilesX * (0) + column] != Mycell.Barren)

This prevents the AI from considering a move in any column that already has disk in it.

Can you please suggest what the proper minimax (or negamax) code would be ?
I tried commenting out the “continue” in line 344 and now the AI places coins vertical too but its still not that good (as in not countering my moves or me from winning enough)