Minimized Editor should not tank CPU

Minimizing the Unity Editor window, while it’s NOT in play mode, causes it to still consume a lot of CPU power. It varies between 5% to 12% on my system.

If the Editor is minimized and basically nothing it going on there, when it’s just “in idle” mode, the editor should be, like any other Application, use nearly 0% CPU / GPU.

The reason why I minimize an application is to dedicate more power to applications that are not minimized.


Is this still occuring in the latest builds of the editor? The 2019.4 LTS version or perhaps in the 2020 beta?

Second this, my laptop overheats when have the editor minimized and idle, not play mode.

This is unacceptable, makes the editor look like a virus or something

Hi, this is happening in Unity 2021.3.6f1