Minimum Near Clip Plane for the camera

Is it possible to set the near clip plane to less than .01? For example, if i set the near clip plane to .00001 in the editor, it resets it to .01

Is there a hidden setting somewhere?

FYI, this is still a limit in Unity 4.X (and will probably continue in 5.X). Unity is not totally scale-independent: it expects your typical game unit to be within an order of magnitude of 1 scene unit. Camera clipping isn’t the only thing that expects this: physics, for instance, begins to break down at very large or very small scales. A bit annoying, but what can you do?

I recently got around this by setting the nearClipPlane to a smaller value through a script. That seems to allow arbitrary values beyond what the inspector limits. There shouldn’t be any reason you can’t set the nearClipPlane to a very very small value - as long as the ratio of near to far clipping is only a couple of orders of magnitude, the renderer should be able to correctly calculate the ‘buckets’ between them that it combines objects into for rendering. However, the nearClipPlane cannot be identically zero - the render expects a near clip plane, not a near clip point.

No, the near clipping plane can't be set to a smaller value than 0.01. This value is small enough to have good details at a close camera shot. If you need something like a Macro shot, just use bigger objects. ;)