Minimun required version

I’m following the official Input System tutorials both on the Unity Youtube channel and Brackeys Youtube channel. Thing is, I’m using 2019.4.3f1 and the bloody things simply doesn’t work. None of the callbacks are returning anything in their respective contexts.
When downgrading to 2019.3, it does work.
I haven’t checked each and every version of Unity as I’m currently on a bit of a time clutch.

Anyways, the documentaion on the unity3d website says that 2019.4 is supported and the pinner post here on the forum says it’s still in the verification process.

In the end, what is the minimum required version for the Input System to work?

2019.1 is the minimum required version for 1.0. For 1.1, the min version will get bumped up o 2019.4.

Could you provide a few more details about what’s working differently in 2019.3 vs 2019.4.

Both are expected to work just fine. I’m not aware of (or at least can’t remember off the top of my head) a prior report of things going awry in 2019.4.

Yeah the Warriors demo isn’t working for me in Unity 2019.4.
See: Warriors Example - ArgumentOutOfRangeException & Logitech Gamepad doesn't work

InputDeviceTester (Sample from the Package Manager) worked once (if you ignored the pink shader error on the background), until I installed the Tanks demo.

Tanks is a sea of errors (which has now crippled the Warriors demo completely)
Assets\Scripts\Managers\GameManager.cs(25,18): error CS0111: Type ‘GameManager’ already defines a member called ‘Start’ with the same parameter types
Assets\Scripts\PlayerDeviceRebindBehaviour.cs(410,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘TextMeshProUGUI’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

the console is just a full screen of errors now :frowning:

How are you reading your input? Have you tried something like this?

    public class PointerDataProcessor
        public Vector2 CurrentMousePosition => currentMousePosition;
        private InputMap _inputMap;
        private Vector2 currentMousePosition;

        public void Initialize()
            _inputMap = InputSystem_Manager.Map;

            _inputMap.Player.Pointer.performed += ctx => currentMousePosition = ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>();

Then just reference it by going through the getter whenever you need to grab the input from it.

Is anyone at Unity going to look into this? Can’t really have the new Input System not work on the LTS version of Unity.

I find the Warriors demo kind of works on Unity 2019.3.12* if you use a PS4 controller + Keyboard only but does not work on 2019.4.3 LTS.

If you try a 3rd controller on Unity 2019.3.12, you get “ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index”

(* 2019.3.12 was the closest version I had installed to 2019.3.7f1 )