Minor things that bug you about Unity?

What are some of the minor things that bug you about Unity? You know, things about Unity that you’d love to see addressed or fixed, but they’re so minor they’re not even worth sending in bug reports about?

I’ll start:

  1. Assets → Import Package → Custom Package. Errr… why the extra click for Custom Package? It’s the only option. Why isn’t “Import Package” enough to do the action?

  2. Maybe not so minor but still not something I can’t file a bug report about: As a contractor, I may have different email addresses for different clients. Which means different Unity IDs. Which means IT’S REALLY ANNOYING to have discussions, Hub, Unity ID, etc. all assume I’m running off the same Unity ID. I want to be able to sign into discussions using my personal ID, while working on a work project using a work ID.

  3. An oldie but goodie: Please don’t cram unnecessary stuff into the main menu bar like Jobs, Services, and Tutorials. This is what sub menus are for.

  4. While I’m at it, the main menu bar frankly needs an overhaul. Quick, where’s the Timeline window again? Or the Unity Recorder? Test Runner?

  5. Here’s a fun one: What do you expect will show up when you click Tutorials → Show Tutorials? I don’t know! Only one way to find out! (Hint: You get this if you install the XR template)

Before anyone calls me out on serving up a list of problems without solutions, I’ll offer a couple of suggestions:

I’m OK with adding a new main menu category for Packages, then move package related menu items into this as submenus. For example: Packages → XR → Tutorials. Then it’s clear what tutorial you’re looking for.

  1. If you upgrade to a new version of Unity, gizmo size resets and Unity Hub forget which “target platform” you have set and defaults to PC.

  2. Quick selection load shortcuts need to be remade every time I load the scene. There are a few I need to set every time I load unity. Another minor nitpick is these should be similar to how Unreal has them laid out where you just press the # to load and shift + the number to save. They are so incredibly useful.

  1. Creating a new class in Unity 6: Right click, Create->Scripting->Monobehaviour Script.
  2. Having to click a uGUI control multiple times in the editor to select it.
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a permanent inspector header -
inspecting a gameobject with many/more components attached needs scrolling which currently scrolls the entire inspector area
crucial GO properties (name, enabled state, tag(s), layer(s)) could be locked in a header like top non scrollable bar, i.e.:

+ scroll ==

with many/more components attached this sometimes needs constant back and forth mouse wheel scrolling when switching between gameobjects with identical components structure since the scroll position is remembered

so this should/could result to ~

instead, possibly including transform component in the header since that is what’s almost always needed to see/adjust

Fragmentation of settings. Stuff like some AA options being on camera, others in render pipeline asset, etc. As Unity gets extended, more things get slapped on top and often in different places so using the engine becomes increasingly complex from code standpoint since you have to access different APIs in multiple places for the same option and also from learning standpoint - it’s not intuitive. If it’s not the definition of bloat then it’s very near that.


It really bother me that all UI Toolkit fields in the inspector, and only in the inspector, get a negative right-margin of -2. Default negative margins are like a sin for basic UI components.

They make horizontal or non-standard layouts harder to achieve, they break custom Editors that don’t UseDefaultMargins, and they hinder consistency between custom EditorWindows and the Inspector.

All these problems just so there’s less space between default Inspector fields and the right edge of the Inspector. It’d be much much better to just reduce the right-padding of the Inspector container. And maybe add proper margins to elements that don’t have them, like Buttons.

It’s not too hard to work around this problem, but it’s very messy. It’d be so much easier for someone at Unity to fix this properly.

LOD groups… And adjust the camera slider over LOD groups makes the scene camera white wash everything and moves the camera… It’s kinda rubbish as it makes it harder to actually see the LOD differences with the colour changes that are forced on the scene camera with no control over it, and I think an option to not have the camera change position but still swap out the LOD details in place with the scene camera fixed would be better, no one seems to have improved the UX of it in years. Much like anything to do with world building terrain etc it’s lacking improvements

I’ve always hated the name of Rigidbody.isKinematic because it means the exact opposite of what I’d expect it to mean. i.e. “I want the physics engine to handle kinematics so I’ll set it true.” “I want to control the rigidbody manually so I should turn kinematics off.”

Edit: also MonoBehaviour is a really bad name too.


They forgot to define a PolyBehaviour and we are stuck implementing a single behaviour per class :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What do you understand as “kinematic”?
That word comes from robotics where kinematic articulation refers to how a robots limb positions depend on its angles. It explicitly disregards innertia, friction and resistance from external objects (collisions).
That’s exactly what kinematic means in Unity’s physics engine.

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Not a bad way to think actually from a SOLID perspective on things :wink:

The way Unity has it is how it is in PhysX: Rigid Body Dynamics — NVIDIA PhysX SDK 3.4.0 Documentation

Well… Looks llke you are right about that. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

When I went to school my basic Physics course was called “Intro to kinematics” where the word “kinematics” was introduced as the physics of movement- Basically the course covered everything Unity’s physics does.

That we still cant click in a lightmap and the corresponding object is selected in hierarchy

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Id like to vote for the constant “but you must want to install visual studio community” each time you download/install a new version if you dont have it installed already - and maybe dont want it


It’d be nice if it just remembered that setting per-machine. I get on a fresh install of the Hub, but every time?

Wait, it tries to install it for you? Unity Hub always just tells me that I have it installed and that’s that. Is it because you’re on a different version?


Yeah, the different version is “none” because I don’t use Visual Studio at all.


I dont have any vs product installed either, so it nags the heck out of me

You cant write code without vs + resharper. Maybe with rider