Hey everyone, I just have a quick question to see if there’s anything I can do about this.
I am very new to networking, so I apologize if I am misunderstanding some stuff.
Anyways, I have been working on a game in mirror. I noticed that I got a decently high ping even when I just opened two instances on the same computer and connected one to the other.
I fiddled around with all the network manager settings, disabled all the scripts on my character, still high ping.
Finally I opened up and built one of those default example scenes that mirror provides, and I still had the same sort of ping.
So is this just because of my machine or internet or something? Do you think there is anything I can do to improve this?
The ping that you see is round trip time. So it goes from client send, over local host, to server, then next server tick processes it, replies, back to client, next client frame it’s processed.
In other words, what you see is mostly server and client frame time, not so much localhost latency.
Depending on the transport there might be buffering too.
We should probably make this more obvious
Round trip time is still kind of nice though, so you know how long it takes to go over the network AND be processed.