Good day everyone.
I have a problem that I can’t figure out.
I wrote a health controller that I want to use on players and monsters
I inherit this class from both the character and the monster
I use a separate server and connect clients to it.
None of the clients is a server
public class HealthController : NetworkBehaviour
enum TypeController
Player, Enemy
[SerializeField] private TypeController typeController;
[SerializeField] protected Slider _healthSliderRpc;
[SerializeField] protected TMP_Text _textHealth;
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(SyncHealth))]
private float _SyncHealth;
[SerializeField] protected float _currentHealth;
public virtual float currentHealth
return _currentHealth;
protected set
if (_currentHealth != value)
_currentHealth = value;
void SyncHealth(float oldvalue, float newValue)
currentHealth = newValue;
_healthSliderRpc.DOValue(newValue / 100, Time.deltaTime * 20);
if(typeController == TypeController.Enemy)
_textHealth.text = $"{newValue}/{MaxHealth}";
protected void ClientServerChangeHp(float hp)
if (isServer) ChangeHealthValue(hp);
else CmdChangeHealth(hp);
public void ChangeHealthValue(float newValue)
_SyncHealth = newValue;
public void CmdChangeHealth(float newValue)
public virtual void TakeDamage(Damage damage)
if (typeController == TypeController.Player)
if (hasAuthority)
Debug.LogWarning("Damage take Player");
if (damage != null)
if (currentHealth > 0)
ClientServerChangeHp(currentHealth - damage.damageValue);
Debug.LogWarning("Damage take Enemy");
if (damage != null)
if (currentHealth > 0)
_SyncHealth -= damage.damageValue;
The player’s health is not always taken into account, although there is a hit.
The health of the spider lags terribly.
On one client, with 3 hits, the text does not change and the health bar too
On other client it is displayed well.
I must be missing something and I don’t understand it.
Reading the documentation and starting from the problems on the forums, I can not come to some correct solution.
Please help me solve the problem