Ok, sorry if this is stupid, I tried to find something on this, but to no avail. Anyway, is there a way through scripting to mirror a texture - specifically a rendertexture?
I’m trying to get absolute positions on radar by having two cameras in the same exact location, one pointing up and one pointing down, the only problem is, is that their x and y axes are reversed do to the ‘up’ vector pointing in two oposite directions. Meaning that the ‘up’ radar camera maps objects on my right as being to my left.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I wrote a script for you that mirrors the camera on the y-axis. Just attach the script to the camera you want to have mirrored output.
Joachim, you are god (but I’m sure you get that all the time). Thank you very much for the help. (Thanks for the awesome game engine BTW)
Is that script for Pro users only? I’m guessing it is, because your accessing OpenGL, which I thought was only enable for the Pro version.
The GL class is Pro-only, yes.