Misinformation in documentation for the Formula node

We are using Visual Scripting package 1.7.6 with Unity 2021.3.1f1.

According to the 1.7 documentation for Formula, it says Round “rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places,” and provides an example of “round(3.222, 2)”.


However, attempting to use Formula to round 3.222 to 2 decimal places results in this error:

ArgumentException: round() takes at exactly 1 arguments. 2 provided.

If it’s using Mathf.Round (which only takes 1 argument and returns the nearest integer), the Formula documentation should be updated to reflect proper usage.

confirmed to not work as described in the documentation

The round has never worked. It has been reported by various people over they years, so work around it with multiply/divide.

The new version that Unity is working on should be quite a bit better and have all these bugs fixed, but no one knows when it will be released. :smile:

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Thank you, I reported the issue. This is actually how the round should be used, with only 1 value and not 2. this will return 1. Note that 0.50 will return 0 as it is using this math function. Unity - Scripting API: Mathf.Round


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