Mismatched Model Version #

I just trained up an .onnx model (THAT was an adventure!) and dragging it over to my Player Agent, the Behavior Parameters script has an error box:

Model was trained with a newer version of the trainer than is supported. Either retrain with an older trainer, or update to a newer version com.unity.ml-agents.
Model version: 3 Supported version: 2

I was in an older version of the package “ML Agents” - was 1.9.1-preview - so I upgraded to 2.1.0-exp1 and that didn’t help.

I’m running:

Unity 2020.3.12f1 Personal
MacOS 11.5.2 Big Sur
Python 3.8.6

My pip list includes:

tensorboard 2.6.0
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.0
torch 1.8.1

The output at the top of the training includes:

Version information:

ml-agents: 0.27.0,
ml-agents-envs: 0.27.0,
Communicator API: 1.5.0,
PyTorch: 1.8.1

[INFO] Connected to Unity environment with package version 1.9.1-preview and communication version 1.5.0

What do I need to update to make this work? Or - do I need to downgrade something?


NEVER MIND – I had a script error due to the upgrade to 2.1.0-exp1, so the editor didn’t update its results. It’s good now (once I fixed the change in how action masking works).