Missing Camera View On Cloud Recognition Sample

I’m having this missing camera view problem when running the sample cloud recognition on a connected android device. These are the steps that I followed:

  1. Create new unity project.

  2. Import ‘cloudrecognition-2-6-7.unitypackage’

  3. Open ‘Vuforia-4-CloudRecognition.unity’ scene.

  4. Click File->Build Settings then I add the current scenes in build.

  5. Then I clicked build and run, I select the path of my android sdk when a prompt appeared.

Then the app run on my device, the unity splash screen appeared followed by a black screen with white line on the lower left.

The Viewport Rect is already set on x=0, y=0, width=1, height=1. I’m completely lost in here please help me.

*I’ve attached the screenshot of what I see on my screen.

*I’m using unity 4 ver 4.5.3f3

Hi, it is the same for me. The app is working, but the camera frames are not being desplayed. I’m using 4.5.2f1. I’m stucked!!

Have you been able to solve it?