Missing childs on Prefabs

I don’t know if that was always like this or if I’m missing something, but now that I need some prefabs to create items on a grid I noticed this:

On the scene view I have the child of my child:
But on the project view it is not listed:

Project view has always only shown the first children of prefabs (not children of children)

Hi Phil, thanks for the reply. I never noticed this I think that’s because I never needed these ‘grandchildren’, but now, as you can see I have my UI element prefab that I will instantiate in runtime (the Item Box) and I have my class ItemBox, what I want is to assign some objects that are children of children to some variables on these class while editing the prefab trough the Project view, I know I could simply drop the prefab on to the scene and make these on the Scene view but it would be a little more convenient to do this trough the Project view…

Id agree at times its nicer to do it in the Project view but at the same time it could make the project view even more cluttered than it already can be.

So just don’t open the extra levels? I mean…it wouldn’t add any extra lines or anything. All it would add is triangles which you could just ignore.

It’s not really an issue, since you can instantiate, apply, and delete, so if the reason is “we have other things to do” then I agree, but I don’t see the clutter point.

Its also a “we have other things to do”

I understand and I agree, that’s where a prefab editor window would be nice! I hope we get one when we also get the Nested Prefabs! :smile:

Looking into UnityEditor.HierarchyType.Assets and UnityEditor.HierarchyProperty.Next(int[ ] expanded) seems like a possible profitable avenue. I would not be shocked at all if it were possible to create a custom editing window that would be more flexible/configurable and could be docked just for prefabs.

If there’s enough interest in it, I shall look into it and probably toss it up somewhere for people to use.