Missing custom postprocess injection point in HD Render Pipeline


I’m the publisher of the HBAO asset available on the store.
Right now, there’s a big downside with HBAO (or any “custom” SSAO solution) in HDRP: it renders after atmospheric scattering which is not good at all.

This is not the first some of my customers are asking for this, and each time I need to provide manual changes to HDRenderPipeline.cs to make it work properly: this is not good at all…

So I’m just asking a new injection point to be available for custom post-processes: BeforeOpaqueAtmosphericScattering

Thank you very much!


Unity users rely more on assets to fill in the gaps of your increasingly broken/bug ridden engine, at least listen to them …

Sep 2020! wake up

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We need Help, Please!

Let’s bring this to Unity’s attention, there’s no good reason why this shouldn’t be added to HDRP. Unity too often recently has been forgetting that there’s many Asset Store authors who just want to offer alternate and improved solutions to the default options, and your HBAO is a perfect example of that @jimmikaelkael

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this might be the wrong place tho and it could be better to post this in the HDRP forum?

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After modify the HighDifinationRP.cs file In Unity 2020 and 2021, Unity will override the file to not let any modifications. so the method that the Publisher of HBAO offered to work around this issue doesn’t work now…All I can do is try to have Unity’s team attention. we really need a new injection point to be available for custom post-processes: BeforeOpaqueAtmosphericScattering.


Still nothing about this issue? I would love to be able to use HBAO in my project

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This thread seems more appropriate: