Missing Entities and Hybrid Renderer packages

Am I going mad (quite possibly). Where are the Hybrid Renderer and Entities package these days. It used to be right there. Unity 2020.1.0f1.


There’s a whole thread about it here:

The quickest way I’ve seen to get them is by doing what ‘Turbo Makes Games’ does here:



Ah, I thought enabling preview packages showed them all. The list at the site he points to in the video doesn’t even have the full list anymore, so I had to type in “com.unity.rendering.hybrid” to add it. They seem to be making it harder and harder to find these things! Thanks for the video link, it still helped, despite Unity!


I also found the same thing, can’t even see it displayed on their website list anymore.
Are they just low-key phasing it out?
Should I even bother putting more effort into learning ECS/DOTS stuff or are they just going to can it?

What website list ?


Geez, I just looked at the 2020.2 list and you’re right… it’s freaking tiny and missing sooo much. This makes this whole thing even more of a WTF moment.

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Yea I don’t see Entities. I hope it’s not moving to core like SRP. I’m still so mad about all this.


Common guys, this has been posted a half a dozen+ times in under 2 months. A little search before you post?

Anyway, addent already posted the reasoning post behind this so go read that.

tldr: packages that are still considered experimental will no longer appear in package manager and you’ll have to manually add them to make them show.

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You lucky I don’t start a #packageManger week post :wink:

Don’t blame users for Unity changing behavior so drastically. I don’t read all of their blogs and track key forums for announcements for everything if Unity does something stupid they can deal with users posting questions. Put the blame where it belongs.


Maybe if it keeps cropping up thats a sign they put it in a stupid location.


I thought the point of new versions was making things easier and better? I have wasted an entire day questioning my sanity and reinstalling everything thanks to this… design decision.


I agree, I am not following all Unity’s announcements. I am using my time to…you know…make games. This ECS is a huge mess right now, and thats expected since it is something new and in development, however, WHY would one make it even more messed up by hiding SOME parts of the alpha packages without saying anything?

This makes me question the whole ECS’ stability. Should I even try to learn it?

Unity is like: “Look, this is AWESOME! Here you go, try it! NONONO don’t touch it yet!”

Perhaps they hired someone from Apple who is used to “user will adapt to product” and not the other way around, mentality?

So many UX/UI ways this is wrong, can’t Unity just put up a warning icon next to them and popup a warning message saying “Beware all ye that download this! Please click the I understand the danger box to continue”.