Missing Gameobject or Component


i detected a problem while following a tutorial for creating a 3rd person fight game.
There was shown a method to create a custom Curve (only a Curve) for a Animation (SH01.png)

for a given animation “SwordSlash01” of a character (SH00.png).

The result is this message “The Gameobject or Component is missing ()” in the “Animation” window for the animation “SwordSlash01” (SH02.png).

I need this for scripting with C#, i want to reach a specific peak of the curve and trigger an action then.

What does that mean?
What is missing?
Why is it “missing”?
How can i solve this issue?

The tutorial where i got this way did not explain the usage of his work in detail, so i am stuck with that but would like to know how i can solve this, because i see a nice improvement in my workflow here.

hello,have you sloved that issue?