Missing meshes and materials on Android - Addressables

im struggling with missing meshes and materials on Android (changed Play mode script to use existing build). This prefabsmap1 is on-install.
Here are my settings:

Are they an issue when you build and install to a device or just when you use Play mode in the Editor with existing bundles?

In all cases below im using Patch to Device.
When building on android - Play Mode Script > Use Existing Build (Android) and Build > Default Build Script / Play Asset Delivery I can see error in Android logcat. Im also using Localization (everything is updated):

When I additionaly tick in build settings - Build App Bundle (Google Play) these are errors (tried Default Build and Play Asset): but its probably normal since its not run by play store yet

Edit: in editor when building Use Asset Database and Default Build Script everything works fine without errors.

I’ve reproduced the issue on my end. It seems to be an issue wtih “Patch” that does not exist with “Build”. Would you mind submitting a bug on this? That way its progress can be externally trackable.

How do I submit a bug report? – Unity

Thanks for help, submitted.